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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best roast?
    That's a hard one! Everyone has their own idea of what makes the best pot roast. A Chuck Roast has a lot of marbling and will pull apart well. The Arm and Rump Roasts are leaner - it's just a personal preference! (Have you tried Sirloin Tip Roast? It's lean and slices nicely!)
  • What is Gourmet Ground Beef?
    Pure deliciousness!! Our ground Gourmet is made from steak trimmings - mostly filet - and makes THE best burger!
  • Can I order a Whole Hog through you?
    Yes*! We need a minimum of 1 week advance ordering; but more is better! Call for current pricing. *Subject to time and product availability.
  • Prime vs Choice... what is the difference?
    Prime is the top-grade beef, usually has more marbling, and may be more tender. Choice is one stop down!
  • Phone Call: Can you set something aside for me?
    No. We are not able to set meat/foods aside for later purchase. We *may* be able to take payment over the phone for you to pick up at your convenience though! *Subject to time and product availability.
  • Phone Call: Can I place a phone order to pick up in a bit?
    Sometimes! *Monday - Thursday: We will do our best to work phone orders in, between in-store customers. Friday & Saturday: We are NOT able to take phone orders - we are just too busy! *Subject to time and product availability. May not apply during Holiday rush times.
  • Can I just set my stuff right here (on the counter)?
    We provide baskets and a shopping cart for your convenience! *Keeping our counter clear provides us with necessary workspace and helps us to serve you better - makes it easier to not sell your food to the wrong person!
  • Do you take custom orders?
    Yes*! We are happy to accept custom orders with at least 24 hours advance notice. *Subject to time and product availability. May not apply during Holiday rush times.
  • Local Support/Fundraiser Requests
    You may have already noticed, but we LOVE this community! We enjoy every opportunity to give back and to be a part of the generosity that overflows within our sweet town and surrounding areas. As a local small business, our hearts are big and we never want to turn away an organization striving to meet various needs for our neighbors. In order for us to give in the best ways we can, we ask the following: --Please submit your request in writing either in person or via email --Please include: Organization Name (non-profit/501c3), Deadline/Event Date (if applicable), Contact information (Name & Phone #) --Please let us know what type of support you are seeking: gift card, food donation, sponsorship, etc. Thank you for including us in your community outreach efforts! The Tallgrass Team

Please reach out with any questions!



510 N. Garden Street, Suite G

Columbia, TN 38401



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© 2020 Tallgrass Meat Company

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